Meeting or Interview with a Speaker

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Georgetown: A Conversation with Rep. Dr. Price (GA-6)

US Capitol Bldg., Room 5G (5th floor), C St SE Cannon House Office Building, 27 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC, United States

Note: This event starts promptly at 1:30pm EST. Parking is limited, so please plan to use public transportation to the meeting.

Price, Tom (Rep)

Join BRI Student Leader Daniel McCorry for a conversation with Dr. Tom Price. Congressman Price has a remarkable career, first as an orthopedic surgeon, and now as a United States Representative. Because of his combined experience as well as his commitment to free market solutions, BRI members and interested attendees should have much to gain from engaging in dialogue with Dr. Price. Topics will include healthcare, policy, and ethics, among other things.


Saint Louis University School of Medicine: Teleconference — Price Transparency with Dr. Keith Smith

Learning Resource Center, Room #104 1402 E Grand Ave, St Louis, MO, United States

NOTE: This event takes place in the Central time zone. Lunch will be served; RSVPs are appreciated!

BRI SLU Keith Smith Flyer

BRI Dr. Keith Smith Surgery Center of Oklahoma

ALL are welcome to join us in a Skype teleconference with Dr. Keith Smith, Co-Founder of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma. Dr. Smith is making a special appearance for the BRI-Saint Louis University Chapter and other interested students to discuss price transparency in medicine. We will learn about his pricing model at the Surgery Center of Oklahoma with a question and answer session following.

We also hope to discuss how price transparency will affect the medical field in general and how we can help facilitate free markets in our future profession.

BRI SLU Keith Smith BRI student leaders from Saint Louis University with Dr. Keith Smith, co-founder of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, via Skype.


Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine—INTERVIEW: Dr. Keith Smith via Skype

Michael A Evans Center for Health Sciences, Room #EC104 Wheeler-Stokely Mansion, 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Find out about Direct Pay medical delivery from a successful doctor!

BRI Keith Smith Surgery Center group Direct Pay Dr. Keith Smith, co-founder of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, a Direct Pay surgery center, with BRI students

We are excited to educate our fellow medical students about the direct pay medical model. Dr. Smith will talk about the Surgery Center of Oklahoma that he co-founded, how the idea was born and brought to reality, what his income model is, and how direct pay works.BRI Keith Smith Surgery Center of OK Direct Pay

All are welcome to join BRI-Marian University chapter and the Student Osteopathic Surgery Association (SOSA) for a unique Skype interview with Dr. Keith Smith. Dr. Keith Smith is a pioneer in direct pay medical delivery—in this case surgery! He runs one of the most successful surgery centers in America, and people travel from across the nation to get world class surgery at a fraction of an equivalent hospital surgery.

Dr. Smith is very generous with his knowledge and expertise and will be happy to answer questions from the audience.