Member Portal

Welcome to Benjamin Rush Institute!

Member Portal

Welcome to Benjamin Rush Institute!

Thank you for stepping forward to serve as a leader of Benjamin Rush Institute on your campus. With your help, we will work together to bring important — and frequently neglected — points of view to your colleagues and mentors.

You’ve reached the online portal for BRI Chapter Student Leaders. Here you’ll find resources to understand our principlesstart and build a chapterplan events, invite speakers, and more!

We have an exciting challenge ahead of us: to legitimize the role of free enterprise in medicine. Doing so is both the most moral and most practical means of providing quality, cutting edge healthcare to the most people. The format we use to reach this objective is to create exciting, informational events with knowledgeable, inspirational speakers. The complete details and best practices of how to do that are all here in the Student Leaders area.

The nation needs to hear our ideas in order to be able to consider them. Right now, public opinion is being swayed by a very one-sided conversation. We appreciate you dedicating part of your life to helping achieve balance in healthcare’s very important future.

This Student Leaders area is a work in progress. Suggestions and feedback are appreciated! Contact Us.

In respectful partnership,

Beth Haynes, MD
Medical Officer, Benjamin Rush Institute