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BRI works vigorously to achieve quality, affordable healthcare for all patients.
Become A Member
BRI works vigorously to achieve quality, affordable healthcare for all patients.
Membership Benefits
- Network with other like-minded, pro-liberty students, doctors, and citizens.
- Develop life skills in leadership, speaking, and project management.
- Receive staff support to produce high-quality, educational events.
- Earn financial support for on-campus events and activities.
- Interact with world-renowned healthcare policy innovators and medical professionals.
- Enhanced access to internships and opportunities with supportive businesses and organizations
- Issue grants for medical and students to attend conferences and other opportunities.
- Earn meaningful inclusions for your well-rounded resumé!
Who Can become Members
I learned about the issues currently facing primary care physicians, as well as a potential solution to solve them! It opened my eyes to a lot of things that will help shape the career I hope to have. This would not have been possible without BRI. [The Benjamin Rush Institute] helped me realize what type of practice I want to have after school and gave me resources to make that happen. It was refreshing to see a group of physicians working together to solve a big issue in healthcare.
I got to learn about a new side of health care that we were never taught about in school. DPC is the solution to physician burnout and restoring the physician patient relationship. I count myself lucky that BRI provided this opportunity to learn about something I would have never learned about otherwise. I have always wanted to start a private practice and DPC has showed me a better way to patient care. I feel very hopeful and excited for the future as I used to feel nervous about the thought of starting my own practice. Seeing that there is an entire community that would be there for me throughout my journey and listening to everyone’s experience was exactly the thing I needed. Thank you so much!
The future of healthcare in this country is at stake – and the doctor-patient relationship is the bedrock of healthcare. The Benjamin Rush Institute is at the forefront of advocating for the preservation of this relationship.
For the first time in my medical education, I was exposed to the tribulations of our current healthcare model and the injustices that physicians and patients face. My interest in direct primary and specialty care as an alternative to our current model and as a way to avoid physician burnout has substantially increased. Moreover, it was refreshing to see a bipartisan force spearheading a much needed overhaul to bring cost effective care to patients and improving accessibility for all. BRI was instrumental in this journey, and I am so thankful for their support.
Becoming a part of BRI and getting the opportunity to learn (has) really been so reassuring that there is … a place out there for me to practice medicine in its purest form. Thanks again for all you have done to help educate and guide me and other budding physicians.
The future of healthcare in this country is at stake – and the doctor-patient relationship is the bedrock of healthcare. The Benjamin Rush Institute is at the forefront of advocating for the preservation of this relationship.
The BRI Student Leadership conference revitalized my love of medicine and my love for the doctor-patient relationship.

- There are no upcoming events.
Donate to BRI
With your support, we are able to give pre-med and medical students opportunities to shape the future of healthcare.