Knowledge Center
BRI’s media and resources provide a wealth of information about the free enterprise practice of medicine and its proven track record for providing optimal patient outcomes and increased physician satisfaction at affordable prices.
Knowledge Center
BRI’s media and resources provide a wealth of information about the free enterprise practice of medicine and its proven track record for providing optimal patient outcomes and increased physician satisfaction at affordable prices.
A platform for medical students, residents, nursing and pre-med students, practicing physicians, and other healthcare professionals to share and publish articles, op-eds, and research that is relevant to the patient-doctor relationship.
Next Generation Medicine–the podcast tailor-made to empower the next generation of doctors with principles of liberty. By listening, you will have a deeper understanding of why the patient-doctor relationship is central to a better healthcare system and how competitive markets unleash the creativity needed to achieve affordable, quality healthcare.

Jeffery Bettag
After graduating from the University of Notre Dame with a degree in biochemistry, Jeff headed to Saint Louis University School of Medicine to pursue an MD, where he is currently in his third year of medical school. Throughout medical school, Jeff has been developing an interest in systemic improvement within medicine.
Thomas Szewczyk
Thomas graduated from the University of Maine in 2021. At Maine, he conducted research in chemistry and neuroscience before receiving a bachelor’s degree in biology. He is currently a second-year medical student at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, and he is interested in general surgery.

Virtual Event Series
Truth & Liberty Series
BRI In Action
Check out clips from BRI conferences and keynotes below.
The Physician’s Fiduciary Responsibility to the Patient — Rafael Fonseca, MD
Medicaid: Challenges and Solutions — Katherine Restrepo
Breaking Down Barriers in Healthcare in Nigeria — Aishat Olanlege, MD
SeeThru Healthcare: Blockchain | Healthcare | Transparency — Adi Segal
PANEL: Social Justice and the Patient–Doctor Relationship
The Sanctity of the Patient-Doctor Relationship—Jules Madrigal, MD
Privacy in the Era of EHRs—Twila Brase RN, PHN
Single-Payer Healthcare: Hopes, Dreams, Realities—Sameer Lakha, MD
Falcon Heavy Health Care: What can we learn from Elon Musk and apply to healthcare?—Robert Graboyes, PhD
Renewed Trust: From Distributive Justice to Do No Harm in Medical Ethics—Robert S. Emmons, MD
Direct Primary Care: Ethics of the Patient-Doctor Relationship—Heather Bartlett, MD
Medical Ethics and the Holocaust: Lessons From the Past—Raul Artal, MD
Effective Communication Strategies—Merlin Huff, MFA
BRI is a proud supporter of the NextGenMed Podcast, where current medical students and professionals discuss free market healthcare.
Check out recent episodes:
Newsletter Archives
To learn more about BRI and engage with our professionals, enroll in our newsletter.
- BRI Scholarships, Programs and Legislative Updates
- BRI Fall Events and Legislative Updates
- 2022-2023 Back-to-School and Legislative Updates
- BRI Summer Newsletter and Legislative Updates
- BRI Legislative and Events Updates
- BRI – The Match, Legislative Updates, and Virtual Events
- BRI – Upcoming Virtual Events
- BRI – Upcoming Events – Join Us!
- Benjamin Rush Institute – Make a Difference
- Benjamin Rush Institute – Upcoming Events for December and January
- Benjamin Rush Institute – October News and Upcoming Events
- Benjamin Rush Institute – Upcoming Virtual Events this Spring
- Benjamin Rush Institute – Upcoming Virtual Events this March & April
- Benjamin Rush Institute – February News, Events, and Ideas Impacting Medical Students
- Sally Pipe’s – BRI’s Founder and Board Chair Speaks About Single-Payer Healthcare
- Benjamin Rush Institute – Upcoming Events – Register Now
- BRI Virtual Events Series and Upcoming Webinars
- BRI Update – Continuing to Fight For The Doctor-Patient Relationship
- BRI – Welcome Back Medical Students to Your New World of Learning
- BRI Summer Events Register Now
- BRI Post Covid Changes For Medical Students
- BRI May Newsletter 2020
- May Live Events & BRI Joins Doctor-Patient Coalition
- BRI – Protecting Physician’s Identity with Leah Houston, MD
- BRI’s NEW Online Event Series
- BRI March Newsletter
- December Newsletter – Reflections from Rebecca Kiessling, Director of Programs
- November Newsletter – Mid-Term Elections Recap from Richard Walker, Executive Director
- October Newsletter – Upcoming Fall Events at BRI from Richard Walker, Executive Director
- EVENT ALERT! 2017 FMMA Conference, August 17-19, 2017
- Enjoy your freedom this July 4th! Help BRI’s stand for healthcare freedom, too!
- BRI has awesome friends! FMMA creates fundraising video for BRI to help med students attend FMMA conference in August!
- Diagnosing the business side of American healthcare: NexGenMed interviews David Goldhill, Catastrophic Care author
- Urgent call to help send students to FMMA’s 2017 conference: BE A BEACON
- NexGenMed: Healthcare from an international perspective: Is it that much different?
- Dr. Venu Julapalli: Be the hero of your own medical journey in Health 3.0.
- Where do healthcare sharing ministries fit in to the free market healthcare movement?
- NexGenMed: Jim Eischen, JD on creativity & compliance in the free market
- Free market healthcare its it out of the park—again!
- BRI Alumni, please stay in touch with us!
- EVENT ALERT! 2017 FMMA Conference, August 17-19, 2017
- Enjoy your freedom this July 4th! Help BRI’s stand for healthcare freedom, too!
- EVENT ALERT! The role of government in medical innovation
- What about the poor? How does free market medicine address the most vulnerable among us?
- SAVE THE DATE! BRI announces the 2018 Leadership Conference!
- What MOTIVATES busy med students to become BRI leaders?
- BRI Leaders! Applications for the 2018 Conference are being accepted!
- Repealing the Individual Mandate; more good news for happy docs!
- How does your residency define you?
- Looking for medical students interested in healthcare freedom and preserving the patient-doctor relationship!
- Check out BRI’s Leadership Conference speaker line up!
- Meet the OSU A-Team that’s making the Leadership Conference happen!
- BRI News BLAST! Today Only: FREE Kindle: CEO’s Guide to Restoring US Healthcare! (Part of “Restoring the American Dream”)
- Speech supporting freedom in healthcare & healthcare reform being actively shut down.
- For the first time ever, BRI is inviting you to attend the Leadership Conference
- Breaking News! BRI live streaming Friday 3/9 Open Sessions
- Leadership Conference Speaker Presentations
- Leadership Conference Friday & Saturday Presentations
- BRI Leadership Conference a success!
- Where is doctor input on healthcare policy?
- BRI adds staff member | LC-6 Videos are up!
- HIGH NOTE! BRI chapters end academic year with strong event showings~
- BRI summer intern: Tony Mazzaferro
- NexGenMed, Pt. I: Dx American Healthcare: POLICY, Patrick Ishmael
- Med students + Healthcare Policy: A great combination! Danny McCorry on NexGenMed
- How can tax laws incentivize docs to provide low-cost/free care?
- Now–even more to love! Check out BRI’s new website, 2016-17 End of Year Report
- Direct Primary Care is breathing new hope into aspiring medical students!
- Your valuable donation enables BRI to continue it’s important work educating medical students-our future doctors–in important healthcare policy issues.
- You make possible the longevity of BRI’s work! Every year more BRI leaders are graduating and practicing medicine!
- The real, hidden cost of un-free speech and what you can do about it.
- A special offer for STUDENTS and a great opportunity for EVERYONE!
- Pt. II: Free market beats government regulation every time!
- Alarming primary care physician shortage–Stephanie Hinds
- Need arguments against single payer? BRI alumnus powerfully rebuts
- What do McDonald’s and cataract surgery have in common? Find out on NexGenMed!
- NexGenMed #5: How regulations dampen medical innovation and increase
- Big Announcement #3: BRI launches Podcast: NexGenMed! Next Generation
- Help us welcome Richard Walker
- Speaker Bureau Update
- BRI alumni students: Where are they NOW? | Views on AHCA debate
- The wait is over! More BRI Leadership Conference videos are available!
- Technology streamlines medical care delivery-Michelle Lu explains
- “Irrational patients” improve healthcare? John Flo explains. Plus, AEI
- 2017-0313 “Don’t go into Family Medicine!” | Leadership conference videos
- 2017-0310 Bastiat Fellowship & BRI Facebook Page
- 2017-0306 BRI’s 1st medical education pamphlet, by Daniel Milyavsky
- 2017-0301 Attention! STUDENT Scholarship Opportunity! Soho Debate Forum: Michael Cannon
- 2017-0227 Repeal and Replace? Of course.
- 2017-0222 Marian University debate video up! Is the ACA helping or hurting doctors and patients?
- 2017-02-15 Zach Howell on Understanding Healthcare Economics
- 2017-0209 BRI LC Recap
- 2017-01-19 Meet the Speakers: Marni Jameson Carey and Dr. Michel Accad at 2017 leadership conference
- 2017-01-24 Meet the Speakers: Dr. Julie Gunther at 2017 leadership conference
- 2017-01-10 Meet the Speakers: Dr. Venu Julapalli at 2017 leadership conference
- 2017-01-05 Meet the Speakers: Dr. Elaina George at 2017 leadership conference
- 2017-01-02 BRI students and state healthcare policy
- What happens when a 1st-yr med student takes on an established doc on healthcare policy? One student’s courageous stand for balanced dialogue.
- 2016-12-27 Healthcare Access & Openness Project (HOAP)
- 2016-1222 LC | Florida Conference
- 2016-12-19 Thank you for a wonderful year!
- 2016-12-12 Direct Primary Care continues to inspire and energize medical students and doctors
- 2016-1206 Wanna Meet Us in Saint Louis?
- 2016-12-05 Don’t call me “provider!” | FMMA | DPC Guide | Sally Pipes
- 2016-12-01 Is healthcare actually a right? Also, Faith Njoku and Adi Segal updates
- 2016-11-29 Why Give to BRI on Giving Tuesday?
- 2016-11 Wanna Go to Saint Louis?
- 2016-11-23 A personal note of thanks from Dr. Beth Haynes, executive director
- 2016-1122 If you’re not a BRI member, think about Giving Tuesday
- 2016-1121 Giving Tuesday
- 2016-11-14 BRI Alumni Leaders: What are they up to now?
- 2016-11-09 When’s the last time someone called you a hero?
- 2014-10 URGENT: FREE E-book “The Evolution of Medicine”— ONLY through Friday, 10/14!
- 2016-0926 Your generous support is working
- 2016-09-26 Trenton Schmale on FMMA | Other organizations working for healthcare freedom
- 2016-09-19 John Flo on FMMA | Doctors Lounge Podcast
- 2016-09-12 Physician Suicide Event Report | Eric Sink | Beth Fellowship Announcement
- 2016-09-02 Dan Milyavsky on FMMA | Jared Rhoads to appear @ SPN
- 2016-08-22 End of Year Report | FMMA | AAPP
- 2016-08-15 Physician Suicide Awareness Event
- 2016-07-22 Daniel McCorry on Hawaii’s HB1740
- 2016-07-11 All Leadership Conference Videos | Daniel Milyavsky
- 2016-06-01 BRI students: Jared Rhoads’s | Danny McCorry | Eric Sink
- 2016-06-13 BRI student Presentations | Alicia Seggelink | Jeffrey Mella
- 2016-06-20 Beth joins D4PCF | Zach Howell
- 2016-05-22 An ex-Navy Surgeon’s Views on the future of medicine, PLUS 3 stories of hope
- 2016-05-13 Fundraising for BRI student’s Nigeria healthcare trip
- 2016-04-25 AEI Video | Stony Brook Debate
- 2016-04-11 BRI LC Student Presentations | Zach Howell on Writing for Impact
- 2016-03-15 LC Update | Debate | Epharmix
- 2016-02-18 Nigerian Appeal for 2016LC
- 2016-02-11 Full scholarship appeal
- 2016-02-03 Trenton Schmale: Two Healthcare Economics Perspectives | J. de Gastyne: Docs and Medicaid
- 2016-01-25 Sponsor a medical student to BRI-LC2016
- You listened – you found out – now what? MCW-Benjamin Rush Institute Chapter welcomes you!
- Welcome to BRI’s newsletters! Thank you for your interest.
- OSU-Benjamin Rush Institute Chapter welcomes you!
- 2015-12-28 Mary Hahn & Double Donation Drive #3
- 2015-12-21 Double Donation Drive #2
- 2015-12-14 Help us reach more young doctors! Donation Drive #1
- 2015-12-10 Medical Innovation: Qore Performance Hydration Technology
- 2015-12-07 Beth Haynes: Free markets help the poor | On being a Hospitalist
- 2015-11-30 Faith Njoku, UC Irvine, on Life Enhancement Centers
- 2015-11-23 Danny McCorry, Georgetown, on Direct Primary Care
- 2015-11-17 Albert Einstein College of Medicine: Free Market Medicine Debate Announcement
- 2015-11-05 Zach Howell, University of Delaware, on Direct Primary Care
- 2015-11: Kristy Hawley, BRI-President, George Washington University (GWU): They say it can’t be done
- 2015-10-20 Joshua de Gastyne, Georgetown: Should there be Economic Protectionism in Healthcare?
- 2015-10-14 Warren Linnerooth, University of Wisconsin: Price Transparency & other ways to deliver quality healthcare
- 2015-10-05 Linda Pan, Ohio State University: How healthcare markets serve the poor
- 2015-09-28 Brennan Wright, Ohio State University, FMMA: Wright Advice: Don’t work for a hospital!
- 2015-09-21: FMMA: John Flo, Saint Louis University (SLU): Price Transparency’s Ripple Effect
- 2015-09-14: Kristy Hawley, George Washington University (GWU): Ever wonder how healthcare costs got so out of control?
- 2015-09-01: BRI Receives Coveted SEARLE Grant
- 2015-08-19: BRI: The ONLY national med student organization preserving healthcare freedom
- 2015-08-17: Video — Student Leader Presentations from 2015 Leadership Conference
- 2015-08-10: Gayle Brekke, Actuary: Playing Devil’s Advocate
- 2015-08-03: Trenton Schmale, Marian University: Restoring the Doctors’ Vocation
- 2015-08-01: BRI’s *NEW* Mission Statement | August Renewal Month
- 2015-07-28: John Grimsley, Georgetown University: The trouble with ICD-10
- 2015-07-23: John Flo, Saint Louis University (SLU): What Compassion & Charity look like
- 2015-07-17: The 2nd Annual Free Market Medicine Association (FMMA) Conference is coming up! | Membership II
- 2015-07-15: Access the FREE Summit-at-the-Summit free market medicine webcast
- 2015-07 August membership renewals
- 2015-06-22: One Doctor’s Declaration of Independence
- 2015-06-11: Summit-at-the-Summit free market healthcare conference | NEW BRI Promotional Video
- 2015-06 Nigerian student takes BRI leadership home
- 2015-06-03: More government, or more freedom?
- 2015-05-31: Is the Doctor-Patient Relationship Important Enough?
- 2015-05-26: Right to Try Legislation Debate, Portland, OR
- 2015-05-15: The Plot Thickens — Michael Daugherty v. FTC
- 2015-04-22: David Goldhill Keynote Address @ 2015 BRI Leadership Conference, DC
- 2015-04-03: We Built a BOLD Future in DC—BRI’s 3rd Annual Leadership Conference was a smashing success!
- 2015-03-31: BRI Interviews John Flo, BRI-President Saint Louis University (SLU)
- 2015-03-17: John Grimsley, BRI-VP, Georgetown: The Price Transparency Movement
- 2015-03-09: Dr. Keith Smith, Surgery Center of OK, gives BRI a Video Blog Shout Out
- 2015-03-03: I am Aishat: View of Nigerian Med School
- 2015-02-17: Kyle Delbar, BRI-President, Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW): Markets in medicine; or, Good ideas never get old
- 2015-02-10 Portland Event Special Alert
- 2015-02 Dr. Richard Armstrong @ BRI-LC
- 2015-02-03: Sameer Lakha, BRI-President, Icahn @ Mt. Sinai: How to achieve breakthrough thinking at medical schools
- 2015-01-30: KY-OH Lecture Tour: Deliberately Provocative
- 2015-01-20: Jared Rhoads, BRI-President, Geisel @ Dartmouth: Public Health Education Lacks Balance
- 2015-01 Halting federal overreach – The Devil Inside the Beltway
- 2015-01-05: Danny McCorry, BRI-President, Georgetown University: News from BRI Georgetown
- 2014-12-22: 2014 in Review — Thank you for a wonderful year! from Executive Director, Dr. Beth Haynes
- 2014-12: Morgan Kohls, undergrad-Ohio University: BRI from a Pre-Med Perspective
- 2014-12: Protect Freedom of Thought on Medical School Campuses
- 2014-11: What Students Say About BRI: Watch our FIRST Promotional BRI Videos
- 2014-10: New ways Doctors are being heard | “Building a BOLD Future”
- 2014-10 What if healthcare reform passed, and nobody came?
- 2014-10 Don’t let them be alone!
- 2014-09 Doctors on Strike | Free Market Medicine | Code Black
- 2014-08: Who Designed Healthcare This Way? Meet FEE—Foundation for Economic Education
- 2014-07: Breaking News: Court rules federal exchange subsidies not authorized by ACA
- 2014-06: Drug Rationing App Coming to Affect You Soon! and Halbig v. Burwell update
- 2014-06 Healthcare freedom activity continues during summer
- 2014-05 VA Scandal, Marketing Human Organs, AMAC Health Care Symposium
- 2014-05: Danger: Free Market Zombies Next 7 Miles
- April 2014 BRI’s Influence and Credibility Expand
- April 2014 #1 BRI Student Leadership Conference
Educational Materials
For more information regarding free market healthcare authored by leading social scientists and physicians, check out the references below.
Healthcare Reform Pamphlets & White Papers
- Daniel Milyavsky, Saving the Patient-Doctor Relationship — a look EHRs
- Sivakumar, Haran, How Will Repealing the Individual Mandate Affect Americans’ Healthcare Coverage?
- Danny McCorry, BRI Leader Emeritus, Georgetown University: “Direct Primary Care: An Unconventional Alternative to Conventional Health Insurance”
- Joshua B. Trent — Committee on Energy and Commerce, US House of Representatives: Strengthening Medicaid to Protect the Most Vulnerable
Medical Economics
Information presenting many sides of the economic view of healthcare.
Direct Primary Care (DPC)
- Bartlett, MD, Heather, A Look at the Ethics of the Patient-Doctor Relationship Through the Eyes of a Direct Primary Care Physician
- Beck, Melinda, With Direct Primary Care, It’s Just Doctor and Patient
- Restrepo, Katherine, Direct Primary Care: A Simple Health Care Model Designed to Help Patients With Chronic Disease and Disabilities, John Locke Foundation
The Nature of Insurance
- Bastiat, Frederic, The Law, 1789 – Online PDF
- Hazlitt, Henry, Economics in One Lesson, 1946 – Online PDF
- The Healthcare Openness and Access Project (HOAP), by The Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Medical Ethics
- Fonseca, MD, Rafael, The Physician Patient Relationship From the Trenches
- Emmons, MD, Robert, False Promise: From Do No Harm to Distributive Justice in Medical Ethics and Why We Are All Sicker
- Brase, Twila, RN, PHN, Privacy in the Era of EHRs
Medicare and Medicaid Reform
- Cannon, Michael & Tanner, Michael, Healthy Competition: What’s Holding Back Health Care and How to Free It, Cato, 2007
- Goldhill, David, Catastrophic Care
- Goodman, John, et al, Lives at Risk: Single Payer National Health Insurance Around the World, Rowman & Littlefield, 2004
- Kling, Arnold, Crisis of Abundance: Rethinking How We Pay for Health Care. Cato, 2006
- Lakha, MD, Sameer, Single Payer Healthcare: hopes, dreams, realities
- Sivakumar, Haran, The ABC’s of Medicare
- McDonough, John, Inside National Health Reform, Milbank Books, 2012
- Pipes, Sally, The Pipes Plan, Regnery Pub. Inc., Washington Dc, 2012
- Pipes, Sally, The Truth About Obamacare, Regnery Pub. Inc., Washington, DC, 2010
- Medicare Information Sources
- Restrepo, Katherine P, Medicaid: Challenges and Solutions
- Sage, Wm. & Kersh, R., Medical Malpractice and the U.S. Health Care System, Cambridge U. Press, NY, 2006
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